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Noah’s Wine Country, the origin of Human and Wine Migration

Some believe that the Biblical account of Noah is a myth; some say it is an allegory; and some, like the present writer, say it is a true historical account. So far, we have not found Noah’s colossal Ark; maybe it was recycled by our ancient ancestors, covered by an ice cap, or buried by the Mount Ararat volcano; nonetheless, the search for Noah’s Ark continues. Meanwhile, we, at Genesis and Genetics, are looking for evidence of Noah in other places, one of which is searching for Noah’s vineyard. So, let’s combine our knowledge of the Bible with modern science and search for Noah’s vineyard.

The Bible says that after leaving the Ark:

Genesis 9:20 Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard … (KJV)

Noah planted a vineyard; but, by now, surely all signs of Noah’s vineyard have disappeared. Right? It appears that is not the case; ancient grape seeds (pips) have been found near Mount Ararat. These grape pips have been carbon dated and genetically sequenced. As a result, their DNA has been traced to modern grapes. These results are illuminating, but before we get into the migration of grapes, let’s get a bit more background from the Bible concerning Noah and his Ark:

Genesis 8:4  And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat (KJV).

The Hebrew word “Ararat” is the word for “Armenia.” When Noah’s Ark settled in the mountains of Armenia, the Armenian borders had yet to be defined; however, the Bible is a timeless book and we can assume ancient Armenia included present-day Armenia. Also, going back in history to just after the time of Moses, we find that ancient Armenia included modern-day Armenia, Eastern Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Southern Georgia. Therefore, logically, Noah’s vineyard should be in one of these countries. The Bible states that the Ark settled in the mountains of Armenia; so, it could have landed on Mount Ararat or any of the Armenian mountains. Christian tradition gives Mount Ararat the honor of being the place of disembarkation from the Ark, and it is, for sure, a possibility.

We find that the modern countries representing ancient Armenia are, indeed, rich in wine history. Here are some facts:

  • Georgia is touted by many as being the birthplace of wine. It claims to have been making wine for 8000 years. In the days of the Soviet Union, Georgia was known as the Soviet Union’s wine cellar.
  • Azerbaijan also touts its ancient winemaking. Azerbaijan has much diversity in landscape, some of which are perfect for growing grapes.
  • Present-day Armenia has a long history of wine culture. Many modern-day Armenians consider wine as the national drink. In Armenia, there are legends that Noah planted his vineyard in the Ararat Valley (Figure 1).


      Figure 1 Mount Ararat with vineyards in the foreground


Armenia boasts of having the world’s oldest winemaking facility located in Areni Cave (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Excavations in Areni cave

In addition, Armenia is rich in ancient history. For example, Carahunge, Armenia is a Stonehenge-like site. Many of the stones have holes drilled in them, and they are called speaking stones in that they make noise as the wind flows through them. The Carahunge formation of stones predates the British Stonehenge by approximately 4000 years, dating it to approximately the same age as the most ancient Armenian vineyards.

Figure 3 Carahunge, the Armenian Stonehenge predating the British Stonehenge by nearly 4000 years.


DNA sequencing shows that most Domestic wines owe their origins to wild grapes in the Near East.

Since the discovery of DNA, many mysteries are being solved in various fields including horticulture. Worldwide, one of the most valuable horticultural crops is grapes; therefore, scientists give much attention to viticulture. DNA markers (SNPS) are used to connect domestic grapes to wild species and trace their migration from country to country. According to an article in PNAS (proceeding from the National Academy of Science), grape domestication began 6,000 to 8,000 years ago with the wild grape Vitis vinifera sp. Sylvestris. This grape is common in the Northern hemisphere, but they have traced domestic grapes to the DNA most closely aligned with those wild grapes from the Near East, specifically Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan (reference 1). Therefore, the origin of domestic grapes is coincident with Noah’s wine country in ancient Armenia. This, of course, does not prove the Biblical account of Noah, but it shows the scientific evidence is consistent with the Biblical narrative.

Carbon Dates

We at Genesis and Genetics consider carbon dating good science in principle; however, we have concluded that the calibration curves, based on the uniformitarian model are not correct, and carbon 14 values must be corrected for the Biblical flood effects (Reference 2, To access our carbon 14 date calculator click here). The oldest evidence of winemaking dates to 5900 B.C. Correcting 5900 B.C. for flood effects gives us 2141 B.C. Since the flood receded approximately 2348 B.C., the oldest grape pips found so far lived 200 years after disembarkation from the Ark. Therefore, the oldest vineyard found thus far is probably not Noah’s original vineyard, but they are vineyards planted by Noah’s near kin. If some ancient grapes are carbon dated closer to the flood date of 2348 B.C., it may very well be the vineyard planted by Noah.

Figure 4 shows some of the ancient Armenian vineyards found so far. They probably are those of Noah’s offspring and show the earliest stages of human migration. The present findings are good corroboration of the Biblical narrative and show that (1) Noah’s Ark settled in what is now known to be wine country, (2) there is evidence of ancient winemaking where Noah landed, and (3) that ancient Armenia is the origin of modern domestic grapes.

Figure 4 Some of the Ancient Armenia vineyards found so far (the red W’s denote ancient vineyards and the white A shows the location of Mount Ararat


The Biblical narrative and archaeological evidence meet in ancient Armenia. Now it is clear that Noah and his offspring planted vineyards in some of the best wine-producing country in the world. Also, Noah’s wine country has been shown to be the origin of modern domestic grapes. Our findings are not proof of Noah’s account but show clearly that the Bible is once again consistent with scientific evidence. So, next time you enjoy a glass of wine, grape juice of a handful of raisins, consider giving Noah a little credit for his husbandry skills and give him a bravo for saving humanity from annihilation.



Coming Soon

Soon we will release a blog concerning the migration out of Noah’s vineyard. We have found that only a portion of Noah’s family “came from the East” and settled in the Land of Shinar (Mesopotamia). We will also identify the historical Nimrod.


  2. carbon-dating/






Flood Effects on Radio-Carbon Dating

Neanderthals have been carbon-dated to 30,000+ years before present; extinct dire wolves have been dated to 10,000+ years before present, and coal has been dated to 20,000+ years before present. However, the Bible proclaims a young earth, approximately 6,000 years old. How can these differences be rectified? We, at Genesis and Genetics, have concluded that the carbon levels are generally correct, but the calibration is wrong. Secular science assumes no significant catastrophes such as Noah’s flood; however, if we consider the flood, we find that:

Noah’s flood significantly influences radiocarbon dating.

This paper offers the following radio-carbon conversion chart, which can be used to convert secular science carbon dates to Biblical dates. This chart assumes that (1) the Bible dates are correct, and (2) a global catastrophic flood did happen, and (3) the secular radio-carbon values are correct. The following chart may be used to convert any secular science radiocarbon date to a Biblical date, or you can CLICK HERE to go to our Radiocarbon Biblical Date Calculator.

Figure 1 requires the following points of explanation:

1. All dates more recent than approximately 1,000 B.C. are the same for the secular and Biblical calibrations.
2. There is a human-made spike, the atomic bomb testing of the 1940s and 1950s. They are similar in form, and both had significant effects on Carbon 14 amounts.
3. The amount of Carbon 14/12 ratio before the flood was constant and decayed according to its half-life.
4. The Flood suddenly reduced Carbon 14/12 which explains how secular carbon dating is so different than Biblical. The year of the flood, 2348 B.C., renders vastly different fossil dates depending on the exact time of death of the creature being dated.
5. For some secular dates, there can be several Biblical dates. For instance, consider 10,000 B.C., the Biblical calculator gives three possibilities: 3398 B.C., 2348 B.C., and 2250 B.C. The 3398 B.C. date would be someone who died before the flood and had his grave washed to a place where anthropologists could find it. The 2348 B.C. date would be someone who died in the flood, not at the onslaught, but several weeks or months later. They would have lived on one of the massive rafts of debris or in a boat other than the Ark. The 2250 B.C. date would apply to one who died 98 years after the flood.\
6. The period between the flood and 1,000 B.C. was the flood-recovery period, which was also the ice age.


God told Noah that He would destroy the earth with a flood (Genesis 6:13). The flood was a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. The land surface was washed, damaged, and resurfaced as the rains came down. The atmosphere was washed clean by the torrents of rain. The oceans were stirred as the fountains of the deep opened and accompanied by earthquakes and volcanoes. All these happenings changed the carbon quantities of the atmosphere, the land, and the sea.

The basis for Conversion Chart

Radiocarbon dating is a function of the ratio of the amount of carbon-14 divided by the amount of carbon-12. Figure 2 provides a time history estimate of carbon 14/12 levels in our atmosphere. This estimate is based on the assumptions that the carbon 14/12 levels were constant before the flood, dipped to very low levels during the flood, and recovered to the levels we have now. The highlighted numbers in Figure 2 correspond to the explanatory notes.


Additional Supporting Evidence for the Above

Atmospheric carbon values can change quickly.

Our world is continually balancing the amounts of carbon in the atmosphere, the oceans, and the soil, and this balance does not discriminate between carbon-12 and carbon-14, they mix homogeneously. Fortunately, we have data regarding sudden changes in carbon-14 levels and the atmosphere’s response to these sudden changes. There was a sudden injection of carbon 14 in the 1950s and 1960s during the atomic bomb tests, and these tests can help us understand the effects of sudden changes to carbon 14/12 levels. The nuclear testing caused the carbon 14 values to skyrocket in the atmosphere while the carbon 12 remained the same; carbon-14 levels doubled from the pre-atomic-testing values (Reference 1). Carbon 14 has a half-life of 5730 years and had it not been for the dry land and the oceans, it would have taken 10s of thousands of years to recover to the pre-atomic-testing levels, but, surprisingly, it recovered quickly, in just a few decades. Equilibrium was reached quickly due to the carbon-14 absorption in the land and sea. This atomic testing carbon-14 “spike” is depicted in Figures 1 and 2. This is a human-made spike, but the God-made “spike” can also be seen in both figures.

The deep oceans are deficient in carbon-14

Another point of evidence is that even today there are vast differences in the amount of carbon 14 in the various depths of water; for instance, right now, some of the deep ocean has water that carbon dates to 2400 years before present, and the average deep ocean water dates to 1400 years before present (Reference 2). Therefore, it is easy to conclude that the pre-flood deep oceans contained almost no carbon-14. Plus, this deep ocean water would mix with the “fountains of the deep” water which would contain no carbon-14 but much carbon-12.

The carbon-12 released by the earthquakes and volcanoes reduced the carbon-14/carbon-12 ratio.

Since carbon dating uses the ratio of carbon-14 to carbon-12, the additional amount of carbon-12 would make the ratio smaller, which would also result in dates older than the true dates. Presently our atmosphere contains approximately 800 gigatons of carbon. This carbon comes from volcanoes and photosynthesis of plants. Currently, we are having volcanoes that occasionally erupt, but also emit small amounts of carbon while dormant, but during Noah’s flood, there would be massive eruptions and fissures spewing large amounts of carbon. This carbon would be pure and carbon-14 free.

Nearly 100 percent of the carbon in our body is replaced annually. (Reference 3)

The Biblical narrative implies that many creatures did not die at the flood onset. It appears that there were huge rafts of debris, possibly hundreds of miles in breadth and thousands of feet in depth. Therefore, creatures, including humans, could have survived for weeks or even months on these rafts of debris. The longer a human, animal, or plant survived would significantly affect their amount of carbon-14/12. Much radiocarbon testing uses collagen, which is replaced in the body rapidly.

The atmosphere was different before the flood.

We know that before the flood, there were giant insects such as dragonflies and cockroaches. These enormous insects and others have been documented in the fossil record (Reference 4). Secular science had concluded that these giant insects could only have lived at a time when the oxygen levels in the atmosphere were 30 to 50 percent higher than what we currently have. This ancient atmosphere would, most probably, have reduced the production of carbon-14 simply because there would be less nitrogen available to convert to carbon-14.


In summary, the global flood has a significant effect on carbon dating. The fountains of the deep opened, spewing out carbon-14-free water; the surface of the earth was covered with carbon-14-free silt; the massive volcanic eruptions flooded the atmosphere with carbon-12, and the carbon-14/carbon-12 ratio was reduced close to zero. Since carbon is replaced quickly in the body of living creatures, the exact time and circumstance of death affect the carbon dating results.

Takeaways from conversion chart

Here are some exciting takeaways we can collect from this chart in figure 1:

1. The “flood spike” of carbon 14/12 explains why secular scientists have concluded everything is older than the Biblical dates.

2. The Bible implies that all the creatures did not die until just a few months before the landing of the Ark; therefore, the carbon 14/12 ratio was changing rapidly in all living beings during this period. The resulting dates could vary by thousands of years. Looking at the chart in Figure 1, we can see a vertical line at the year 2348. During this single year, many humans, plants, and animals died. Some during the initial onslaught and some during the ten months or so while on rafts or boats. Each casualty reflected the carbon ratio at that time. Their bodies were rapidly replacing low carbon14 from the atmosphere and the food chain.

3. Any radiocarbon date more recent than 1000 B.C. is generally accurate whether the secular or Biblical flood calibrations are used.

4. The chart shows two spikes, one from the atomic bombs and one from the flood. Both spikes are abrupt and recover rapidly.

5. Example: Otzi, the Iceman has been dated to 5,300 years before present. Using the conversion curve, this would convert to 1900 B.C., which would mean that Otzi and Abraham were contemporaries. Otzi’s DNA clearly places him in the category of modern man.

6. Neanderthal fossils carbon-date to over 28,000 years or more. Converting the Neanderthal carbon dates to Biblical dates we can see that they all died in the flood.






What Happens after Death?

We live in the physical world; we have bodies and we have brains: we are living souls. We have personalities and we have memories. We have desires and we have goals. So, the question is do these personal possessions stay with us after death?

There have been many people who claim to have died, experienced the “other side,” and come back to tell about it. However, these accounts, as fascinating as they are, really cannot be trusted; there are many things that could affect their testimonies such as drugs and/or hallucinations due to lack of blood flow. Fortunately, we have an account in the Bible that can answer many of our questions, and since this account was told by Jesus himself, we know it is true. This account is about Lazarus and the rich man. This is not a parable, it is an actual account; we know this because specific names were used: Lazarus and Abraham, not just some generic Abraham, but “the” Abraham from the book of Genesis. Here is the Biblical account:

Luke 16:19  “There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day.

Luke 16:20  And at his gate was laid a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores,

Luke 16:21  who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover, even the dogs came and licked his sores.

Luke 16:22  The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried,

Luke 16:23  and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side.

Luke 16:24  And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’

Luke 16:25  But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner bad things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish.

Luke 16:26  And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.’

Luke 16:27  And he said, ‘Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father’s house—

Luke 16:28  for I have five brothers—so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.’

Luke 16:29  But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.’

Luke 16:30  And he said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’

Luke 16:31  He said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'” (ESV – words of Jesus in red)

From this account, we can answer the following questions: Where did they go? Did they keep their memory? Did they retain their physical bodies and senses? Did they keep their personalities? Let’s take these one at a time:

Where did they go?

Lazarus went to be with Abraham and was comforted (Luke 16:25); the rich man went to Hades where he was in torment (Luke 16:23). There was a deep chasm between the two places, and neither side could cross over to the other side, but they could see one another and verbally communicate from one side to the other.

Did they have memory after death?

Yes, they did have memory after their brains stopped working. Even though their neurons and dendrites rotted, their memory lived on. The rich man saw Lazarus and recognized him. Surprisingly, the rich man not only recognized Lazarus but also recognized Abraham; this would imply that the rich man had an enhanced memory/knowledge and awareness of things he had never seen. Continuing on, we also see that the rich man remembered that he had five brothers, another indication of his earthly memory. Abraham too had an enhanced awareness and memory; he spoke of Moses and the prophets, all of whom lived many years after Abraham died.

Did they have bodies and senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste after death?

Both Lazarus and the rich man had bodies. We know that Lazarus had a body because he was seen by the rich man and recognized. The rich man was experiencing excessive heat and thirst; he wanted Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and touch his tongue (the rich man’s) so he could feel some cooling relief. This would indicate that he had a body and similar senses to those he had while alive on earth.

Lazarus was being comforted which would show that he was in a good spiritual as well as physical state. Also, we know that they all had eyes to see, ears to hear, tongues to taste, and fingers to touch. So, all of this would lead us to believe that our characters in this account had DNA and it was performing in a similar fashion to how it performed before death.

Did they keep their personality after death?

It appears that the rich man did keep his personality. The rich man was accustomed to getting his way by ordering people around. In this account, the rich man implored Abraham to order Lazarus to dip his finger in water to cool his (the rich man’s) tongue, and also ordered Abraham to send Lazarus back to earth to witness to his five brothers. The rich man knew that Abraham was high in the spiritual realm, but assumed that Lazarus was still a lowly outcast. Therefore, the rich man presumed that his power and authority conveyed to life after death. He presumed that both he and Abraham were men of importance, and therefore Lazarus, the low man, should do tasks when ordered. Abraham, however, did not hearken to the demands of the rich man and reproved him.

Note: This account mentions Lazarus by name, but not the rich man; he is simply referred to as the “rich man.” This shows us that Jesus knew Lazarus, but not the rich man. This is consistent with many scriptures including Luke 13:27 and Matthew 7:23:

Luke 13:27  But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.

Matthew 7:23  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Final thoughts

It is important to understand that this account of life after death was before the resurrection of Jesus. The New Testament teaches that when Christians die, they instantly go to be with Jesus. However, the account of Lazarus and the rich man presents some interesting clues concerning memories, senses, DNA, and personalities. It also implies that, like Abraham, we will inherit enhanced awareness, knowledge, and memory.

One clue is missing from this account, and that is the words of Lazarus. Wouldn’t it be interesting to hear Lazarus’ thoughts? Would he have said to the rich man: “Now you are getting yours,” or “I forgive you,” or “I do not know you?” Perhaps Lazarus was being spared the unpleasantness of dealing with the rich man, but for now, his thoughts remain a mystery.

Dear children and friends, The Bible is truth and the account of Lazarus, the rich man and Abraham may be used to better understand “the other side.”

Where the Spiritual and Physical Worlds Meet (Epigenetics – Part 2)



You are a magnificent creature, wonderfully made; you live in a physical world, but have strong ties to the spiritual world. One of these ties is what the scientific community calls “epigenetics.”



When DNA was discovered, it appeared that our destiny was fixed and determined wholly by our DNA. We were led to believe that since our DNA was locked in at conception, we were slaves to our ancestry. However, we knew that this couldn’t be true; it would invalidate the promises and principles in the Bible; there would be no reason to pray, no reason to believe, and no purpose for life. We knew that there had to be more than just DNA; so, we patiently waited, by faith, and our patience has been rewarded by what is now called “epigenetics”. Not only does epigenetics solve the “slave to our ancestry” problem, but it shows us how God’s creative genius connects us to the spiritual world. It is genius, and very, very complex 1.

So, epigenetics is the study of how DNA is expressed by switching genes “on” and “off” as directed by our environment. We humans have an environment which is diverse: diet, atmosphere, stress levels, fear, music, love, microbiome, belief system, prayer, and faith. All these elements of our environment have the capability of switching our genetic switches “on” and “off.”

Diet and Epigenetics

DNA provides the genes, and epigenetics decides which genes are expressed and to what level. This epigenetic expression is dependent on how the DNA is packed in the cell. For instance, take the ant; pack his cells one way and you have ant larva; pack them differently and you have a worker ant; pack them a third way and you have an ant with wings that can fly. The DNA is the same, but the expression is quite different. Epigenetics switches determine which ant version is expressed. The worker ants attending the larva know when the time is right, then they prepare a potion of fungus. When this fungus potion is fed to the larva, the larvae’s switches are positioned to pack the DNA to produce wings and a flight control system. Each cell works in unison with the others to produce the intended creature, in this case, a flying ant.

Social Environment

Researchers are just beginning to connect epigenetics with social environment. We have all known that our circle of friends, parents, and community made an impact on our mental health, but now we are seeing the epigenetic mechanisms that affect our physical health. Researches have correlated gene expression with social influences 2. We, at Genesis and Genetics, are very interested in the results of these laboratory results knowing how the Bible warns about joining with those who practice evil.

The Nurturing Rat

Then there is the rat. It has been found that if the mother rat licks and grooms her babies, they do better mentally and physically. If the pups are not licked and groomed, they suffer both mentally and physically. This means that the rat DNA has genetic switches that are turned “on” or “off” responding to the environment of nurturing and grooming3.

Fear and Trauma

Another study where a small mouse was traumatized repeatedly 4, the small mouse did poorly mentality and physically. Again, there were switches that were being turned “on” and “off” depending on the packaging, but the interesting point is that the trauma was sometimes passed on to future generations 4 of the traumatized mouse. Some secular scientists are referring to this effect as the Biblical “sins of the father” effect 5. If you please, type, “sins of the father epigenetics” into your favorite search engine and you can read all about it.


You have nearly 40 trillion cells in your body, and how your DNA is packed in each one of these cells matters. This packaging can switch select genes “on” and switch other genes “off.” This switching can affect your overall mental and physical health. The mechanism for packing the DNA in your cells is not yet understood, but we now have evidence that our physical and spiritual environment can and does affect the packing. Therefore, know that you are not a slave to your DNA, your DNA is a slave to you and the environment you provide. You are empowered by your faith in harmony with the Bible to harness and exploit your DNA. How? Simply by supplying a proper physical and spiritual environment. Your epigenetics is crying out to fulfill its vocation to find, bind, and wind your genes so that you may do well.

Dear friends and children, it is true, the Bible got it right, our physical bodies respond to faith and prayer.





Which Came First – the Chicken or the Egg? The Bible and Science

This has been a topic of debate for more than 2000 years, but with the latest finding in genetics, it appears those who say the “chicken” are on the winning side. The present writer says the “chicken” based solely on the Biblical narrative, but I am pleased to pass on the recent scientific findings that support the Biblical stance.

We can start by summarizing what we know about chickens, eggs, and genetics:

  • Chickens and their eggs have the same DNA. A chicken’s DNA is set at conception and remains the same no matter the form: egg, chick, pullet, capon, hen or rooster.
  • Chickens are domestic animals whose purpose is laying eggs. Some lay up to 300 eggs per year.
  • Chickens have a gene which allows them to produce an egg with a shell in less than 24 hours. This gene is unique to chickens. No other egg-laying creature has it.
  • Chickens are a unique species: Gallus gallus. There are many colors, shapes, and sizes, but only one species.

Previously, those who accepted evolutionary biology said that the egg came first. This was based on the notion that a near chicken mated with another near chicken and produced a chicken egg. This chicken egg hatched and found another chicken that was conceived by two near chickens. The two chickens mated and Gallus gallus made its debut as a viable species. Case closed! Well, not quite! say some of their peers. Recent genetic studies found that chickens have a unique gene called ovocledidin-17 (Oc17) 1. Without the proteins produced by this gene, a chicken cannot lay an egg. This causes trouble with the “egg first” thinking since near chickens could not lay a chicken egg because they didn’t have the Oc17 gene. So, if the egg couldn’t come first, it had to be the chicken. It would be impossible for an egg from two near chickens to develop a complex gene which produces a protein with 142 amino acids. You would need two eggs that could accomplish this feat and coexist at the same time and place. This defies any imagination of probability and is a severe problem for those putting their money on the egg. The ancient philosopher, whoever he or she was, couldn’t have picked a worse example for the evolutionists. He or she could have picked any other egg-laying creature and would have avoided this inconvenient truth. On the other hand, for we creationists, the Bible is once again shown to be Rock solid.

It must be said that the evolutionary stance is still not dead. The chicken is said to be the closest living relative to the T-rex (Tyrannosaurus rex). Since we do know whether or not the T-Rex had the Oc17 gene, the case is not closed.

Now, let’s look at the Biblical narrative. The Bible says that all things were created in six days, this includes the wild and domestic birds. The Bible also states that all things were created after their kind and that they reproduce after their kind. Therefore, the Bible, which does not change with the ages or “latest” hypotheses, is and has always been clear:

  • Gallus gallus was created during the first six days of the creation. It was a chicken and it mated with other chickens that were also created during the creation week.
  • Gallus gallus reproduces after its kind and produces more chickens.
  • The chicken was created for man. It has the ovocledidin-17 protein, which separates them from other species and allows us to raise chickens and have plenty of fresh eggs.
  • Also, the Gallus gallus species has sufficient genetic diversity to produce egg-laying chickens and meat chickens. Some chickens lay beautifully colored eggs and some chickens have silky feathers. They were divinely created for us. They are like dogs, they come in all shapes, sizes, and colors to be useful and pleasing to mankind.

Dear friends and children, the Bible gets it right every time. It is Rock solid and can be trusted, eternally.





How much Neanderthal DNA do You Have?

You have a lot of Neanderthal DNA. At least 99.5 percent of your DNA is identical to Neanderthal 1.  Recent DNA sequencing is revealing the truth of Neanderthal, and it is time to bury all our preconceived ideas about him and start afresh allowing DNA to be our guide. We have been led to believe that Neanderthal is our ancient, hairy, brutish, ape-like, ignorant, slumped-over cousin who went extinct because he was inept. His DNA, however, is shouting out to us that this is not the case. He is 99.5 percent like us. This 99.5 percent similarity is not based on our opinion or our analysis; it is based on published secular scientific papers. By the way, we present-day humans share this same amount of DNA, 99.5 percent, with one another 2. It does not matter whether you are European, African, Asian, American or Australian, you are all very closely related to Neanderthal. The 0.5 percent that separates us from one another and Neanderthal lies in our genetic markers. *  These genetic markers provide humanity with natural variation and the ability to trace human ancestry.

DNA can and will solve the mystery of Neanderthal

So, let’s follow the Neanderthal DNA and see where it takes us in rebuilding our perception. Thanks to the work of many scientists, we now have a draft sequence of the full Neanderthal DNA 3. And thanks to several private laboratories, these DNA sequences, and genetic markers are being translated into physical characteristics. Here are several examples of what is being discovered about Neanderthal:

  • Neanderthal falls inside the variation of present-day human DNA 3; therefore, it would be difficult to conclude anything other than Neanderthal being fully human. He shares the status, of “made in the image and likeness of God” (Genesis 1:26) with us.
  • Neanderthal had less hair on his back than many present-day humans. This is due to genetic marker rs4849721. This marker is shared by Neanderthal and present-day humans. If you have a T at this marker position, you probably have less back hair than average 4. Neanderthals have the T which means that they too probably had less back hair than the average present-day human. Hmmm, so much for the hairy ape-man image.
  • Neanderthals had freckles 5. People with light skin get freckles because they have less melanin in their skin which causes uneven tanning. It appears that freckles are now in vogue. Some of our most popular movie stars have them. So, Neanderthals are not just human, but “in vogue” humans.
  • Several Neanderthal DNA sequences have genes indicative of red hair 5 and blue eyes. This does not mean that all Neanderthal had red hair and blue eyes, but at least some had these characteristics. By now, hopefully, you can see that at least some Neanderthals would look like someone you would bump into at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
  • Neanderthal shares the FOXP2 gene 6 with us indicating that he was capable of complex speech just as we are. Also, it is generally accepted that Neanderthal had a larger brain 7 than present-day man which opens the possibility that he was more articulate than we are.
  • Although Neanderthals share 99.5 percent of our total DNA, they share only 98.7 percent of our mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This is interesting and can be explained. Mitochondrial DNA is a primary contributor to our energy, strength, and length of life. The fact that Neanderthal mtDNA differs from us by 1.3 percent fits the fossil evidence nicely. Neanderthal fossils are indicative of them having better muscle tone, more strength, and better bone structure than we have. In short, he was buff. Also, some mature Neanderthals had a prominent brow ridge indicative of them living long lives 8.
  • Neanderthals, in general, have less genetic diversity than we have; however, researchers are finding little, or no evidence of incest 9. This, in my opinion, signifies that Neanderthal had complex relationship structures, as do we. Maybe he came calling with a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and an articulate, witty proposal.

According to DNA, Neanderthal is 99.5 percent like you. He was not a hairy, ignorant, inept, ape-man. He was human, created in the image of God just like you. So, the obvious question is, where does Neanderthal fit into the chronicles of human history? Where do you think he fits? We have our opinion (click here), but we will leave it to you to make up your own mind.

Commentary Note: You may have heard that some geneticists proclaim that we have only a small amount of Neanderthal DNA; some say 2-4 percent, some say 0 percent, and some say 20 percent. These claims come from the same scientific community that says we share 99.5 percent of our DNA with Neanderthal. Why this huge conflict? I will not attempt to explain where these low numbers come from; you would think I am making it up. Suffice it to say, the 99.5 percent is correct, and the lower numbers are contrived to justify the “out of Africa” and evolutionary hypotheses.  To demonstrate this point, ask yourself the question, how can we share only 2-4 percent with Neanderthal and 50 percent of our DNA with the banana? The DNA sequences are available to the public and can be verified and viewed by anyone.

New details on Neanderthal are emerging every day as are the reconstructions of Neanderthal’s physical appearance. We will keep you posted: You can Subscribe Here if you like.

* Genetic markers – Single Nucleotide polymorphisms, microsatellites, short tandem repeats, et. al.




  7. at-birth-sheds-light-on-human-evolution/
  8. Cuozzo J., (1998) “Buried Alive the Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man,” Master Books Inc.



Epigenetics – Complexity of Biblical Proportions – Part 1

The discovery of DNA has greatly enhanced our understanding of life and its complexities. However, understanding DNA is just the beginning. DNA orchestration and expression are of mind-blowing, Biblical, proportions of complexity. This orchestration is a field of study called epigenetics; a term coined in the 1940’s and currently one of the hottest topics of research. Epigenetics may very well be the most important scientific discovery of our generation.

Consider a nest of eggs. The DNA is fixed in the nucleus of each egg. After a month or so, the eggs will incubate and be transformed into chicks. These chicks all look alike but no longer resemble the egg from which they came. Their DNA has not changed. Every cell in their body, in collaboration with every other cell, has expressed itself as this baby chick. After a few weeks they increase in size and grow bigger wings, their fuzz turns into feathers, and muscles become toned for flight. At each stage, the babies, in this case, robins, all look alike; their DNA is expressed in like manner for each of the chicks; every cell is expressing itself differently, but in concert with every other cell, doing its part to produce a fledgling. Amazingly, the robin’s DNA does not change, but the robins do; they change a lot. They all grow at the same rate and fledge at the same time. Finally, we have mature birds, all approximately the same size and approximately the same physical appearance. The DNA is fixed from egg till death, but the expression of the robin’s DNA is changed drastically from one stage to another. Everything is performing with perfect orchestration and expression.

So, the question is, what mechanism produces this orchestration? It is explained by epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how DNA is packed into the cell and with which chemicals it is packed. The result of this packing regulates which genes are expressed and to what extent. Each time a cell divides, it is subject to new packing arrangements. Each cell is different and each cell packs in concert with every other cell; each doing its part. This is a miracle. Every stage of growth and development is a miracle. An extreme example of epigenetics is the butterfly. During metamorphosis, the larva changes to a butterfly, totally different from the larva in appearance and metabolism. And, it happens very quickly. The cell divisions act in unison with all cells to regulate gene expression and produce what looks like a totally different creature even though the DNA remains fixed.

Epigenetics is a system of turning genes off and on. We humans have just over 20,000 genes in our body and each of these genes can be expressed or not depending on how tightly it is wound and with which chemicals it is packed. Therefore, with the butterfly, one combination of genes is expressed to build the larva and another combination of genes is expressed for constructing the mature butterfly. No matter how the DNA is packed, it cannot construct a moth, a bird, or a chimpanzee; it can only express the various stages of that species of butterfly.

Now let’s look at human epigenetics and make it a bit more personal. What regulates and orchestrates our DNA packing? The answer is, “our personal DNA coupled with our environment determines how our DNA is packed.” This environment includes diet, air quality, stress, friends, attitude, purpose, and spiritual beliefs. The environment triggers receptors, switches, hormones, and electrical signals: these triggers affect how our DNA is expressed. In summary, not only does your DNA regulate gene expression, but so does our physical and spiritual environment. We have a blog (part 2 of this blog) that shows both the physical and spiritual effects of epigenetics using laboratory tests of mice and rats.

Now that we have given the basics, it is time to shock you with the complexity of epigenetics. Consider you. You looked different when you were a fetus and you looked different as a newborn. Then came the toddler years and adolescent years. Every decade you look different. Each cell in your body must do its part in making you, you for each period of your life. Latest estimates are that a human body has 37.2 trillion cells. Each cell contains about 6 feet of DNA. Therefore, you have 6 X 37.2 = 223.2 trillion feet of DNA that must be orchestrated to make you, you. If we take this 223.2 trillion feet of DNA and divide by 5280 (feet in a mile) and take that and divide by the distance to the sun (93 million miles), we get 459.07. This is shocking! This means that if you stretch out your DNA, it is long enough to make approximately 230 round trips to the sun. This is complexity of Biblical proportions. Each of these 6-foot strands must do its part in the orchestration with all the other 37.2 trillion strands to produce you at any point in your life. Only divine intellect and ingenuity can explain complexity of this proportion.

Dear friends and children, if you believe the Bible you are doing well. The complexity of life is of Biblical proportions and cannot be explained by chaos. When we face the creator, we will be able to say, “we believed your Word, that you created all things.”


Where Does Neanderthal Fit in the Bible – Update

This blog presents several additional points to support the notion that Neanderthal is antediluvian man, i.e. those who lived before the Biblical flood. In 2012, we presented evidence, based on partial mitochondrial DNA sequences, that Neanderthal is indeed our direct, antediluvian ancestor 1. We now have more evidence that solidifies our position. When Neanderthal fossils were discovered in the mid-1800s, Neanderthals were portrayed as ignorant ape-men, but now with the advent of DNA sequencing, they are being portrayed quite differently. More and more they are being portrayed as fully human like us. They are seizing their rightful position in the history of man: our direct line ancestors: the sons and daughters of Adam who lived before the global flood. The following points should be considered in defense of our stance:

Human Speech

It has been found that the human variation of the FOXP2 gene is present in Neanderthal.2 This FOXP2 gene found in Neanderthal is identical to that of humans living today; this is significant in that FOXP2 plays a major role in human speech 3, separating us from the animal kingdom. This finding coupled with the fact that Neanderthals had brains larger than present-day humans4 could suggest that they were more articulate than we.

Genetic Similarity The present-day human and Neanderthal genomes appear to be at least 99.5% identical 5. This difference is statistically the same as some of the latest estimates of genetic differences within the present-day human genome (99.5%) 6. Clearly Neanderthal is fully human; however, since his DNA markers do not exactly align with any present-day family groups or any post-flood family groups, he must be placed as antediluvian man, our pre-flood ancestor. Note: these DNA markers (single nucleotide polymorphism-SNPs) constitute only 0.3% of the human genome 7 and are useful in determining parentage.

Y-chromosome and mitochondrial sequences

To better understand how the mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal DNA supports our position, consider our version of the human family tree:

Figure 1. Human Family Tree

The family tree above shows that the roots of the tree represent the Neanderthals; the stump represents Noah and his family; and the branches and leaves represent us, the present-day nations and family groups. The trunk of the tree represents the genetic reset performed by God during or just after the flood; this reset set in motion human DNA compatible with the new ecosystem and lifespan 11. Neanderthal fossils have been found in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Russia, Siberia, Iraq, Israel, Belgium, and Uzbekistan. These Neanderthals are all offspring of Adam and Eve. The Neanderthals died in the flood with the exception of Noah and his family. Since the post-flood ecosystem and human lifespan were much different than the original ecosystem and lifespan, God performed a genetic reset preparing humanity for the new environment and lifespan. One would expect that human DNA sequences prior to Noah and his family would be very similar, but not align exactly with any post-flood nation or family group. And they don’t.

A portion of Y-chromosome data has been extracted from Neanderthal fossils. As expected, these sequences do not align exactly with any modern man Y-chromosome nation or family group 8. If they did, one would conclude that Neanderthal was post-flood. But they do not, and, therefore, must be the root. This is a very significant finding for which we have been anxiously waiting. Now, we know that, like the mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosomal DNA shows that Neanderthals are fully human but are the roots of the tree, not the branches and leaves.

Also, now that we have the full mitochondrial sequences, we find that they, like the Y-chromosome sequences, support our original conclusions: Neanderthal is antediluvian man.

Ruddy/Rosy Complexion

We, at Genesis and Genetics, have concluded that Adam and Eve had red hair and rosy complexions. This conclusion was reached due to the fact that God gave Adam his name which means “red.” The accompanying rosy complexion is compatible with the pre-flood atmosphere. Just lately, using advanced sequencing tools, scientists have found that two Neanderthal fossils had genes for red hair and ruddy complexions 9. It is difficult to find Neanderthal DNA with these genes intact, so, as far as I know, these are the only two tested for red hair and rosy complexions. It is also, noteworthy that these Neanderthals came from two different locations: one from Spain and the other from Italy. Our model predicts that Neanderthal would, like Adam and Eve, require complexions compatible with the pre-flood atmosphere.


A recent excavation of a site in Belgium has added evidence to the existing view that Neanderthals were sometimes cannibals 10.  There are accounts of modern human acts of cannibalism; however, they overwhelmingly occur when humans are forced to choose between cannibalism and starvation. During the flood, the Bible implies that all humanity didn’t die at once, and some could have survived for many months in the water (Genesis 7:19-24). The Neanderthal, being very intelligent, would be in boats, on rafts, or clinging to the large floating mats of debris; but faced with starvation they may very well have resorted to cannibalism. The caves, being the flood drainage pipes, would and do harbor the evidence of this cannibalism.


Evidence continues to accumulate that Neanderthals were the offspring of Adam and Eve, and our pre-Noah ancestors. Our version of the human family tree is presented above; had it not been for Adam’s sin, it would look quite different; but Adam did sin and Noah found grace in the eyes of the Creator, thereby forming the bottleneck (family tree stump). Then God chose to make changes in human physiology, including reduced lifespan, all of which required a genetic reset (the trunk of the family tree). Here is a summary of the additional evidence for our version of the family tree:

(1) Neanderthal has the FOXP2 gene identical to present-day humans indicating that they had human speech capabilities.

(2) Neanderthal DNA signature is incongruous with any modern nation or family group. This is true for both Mitochondrial DNA (inherited from the mother) and Y-Chromosome DNA (inherited from the father). The only place available for Neanderthal on the family tree is the roots, our roots.

(3) Neanderthal fossils show evidence of cannibalism. Human cannibalism has a history of occurring primarily when there is some catastrophic event which deprives them of food.

(4) The Neanderthal DNA, so far tested, show evidence of red hair and ruddy complexions which would be compatible with the pre-flood atmosphere and the name God gave Adam.

(5) The similarities of the present-day human and Neanderthal DNA coupled with the fact that they each have unique DNA markers, positions Neanderthal correctly in Biblical history as antediluvian man.

Note: Our former work and evidence can be found here for the blog and here for the technical paper


We will keep you posted as we find more evidence for our position. We do have more compelling evidence for our model which concerns Neanderthal and carbon dating. This will be published soon. You may subscribe here if you would like to be on our mailing list.


Keywords: antediluvian, pre-flood man, Neanderthal, Neanderthal’s place in human history, Biblical Neanderthal, Neanderthal Bible, Bible Neanderthal, Neanderthal in the Bible














Why Did God Create Plant Life before the Sun?

Did God make a mistake by creating the plants before creating the sun? Everyone knows that photosynthesis requires light. How could the Creator of the universe make such an error? Or, maybe He didn’t.

First of all, we must realize that Genesis chapter 1 was peer-reviewed by Jesus, and He accepted it as is. Therefore, these Scriptures must be correct. God created vegetation on day three (Genesis 1:11-13) and created the sun on day four (Genesis 1:14-19). So, how does this make sense?

Point one: Photosynthesis and heat were not lacking on day three since God created light on day 1.

Genesis 1:3  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Genesis 1:5  And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. (KJV)

Therefore, on day three, there was no shortage of light or heat; it’s just that the source was not the sun; it was Jesus.

John 8:12  Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. (KJV Jesus’ words in red)

Point two: At the end of the age, again, there will be light but no sun, as clearly stated in the Bible:

Revelation 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. (KJV)

So, concerning the question, “Why did God create the plants before the sun?” the answer is: the sequence of creation of the sun and plant life doesn’t matter, but it highlights what is essential, and that is that Jesus is the eternal source of light. So, what is the purpose of the sun? The Bible tells us it is to rule the day, and it is for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years (Genesis 1:14-16). The sun is an essential element in the creation, but it is temporal. It supplies light for our brief sojourn here on earth, but one day the sun will cease from shining, and Jesus will provide us with not only our physical light needs but also our spiritual light needs. Jesus is the Light.

Recommended additional reading:

Genesis 1 and 2 Agreement or Contradiction?

Keywords: Jesus is the light; Jesus light; the purpose of light; creation of light; creation sequence; creation sequencing; creation of light

Adam’s Complexion and Hair Color

Recent genetic discoveries coupled with Scriptures lead us to an intriguing possibility: Adam had red hair and a ruddy, or rosy, complexion. This notion is based on the following three pieces of evidence:


(1) The name Adam means “red.”

(2) Adam’s complexion was tuned for the early atmosphere.

(3) Neanderthal had a ruddy/rosy complexion.

(1) The name “Adam” means “red.” Look it up in any dictionary in any language and it means “red.” It comes from the Hebrew word “adam” which means “red” (Strong’s ref H119, H120). So, why would God call the first human “red?” I have known several people in my life who were called “red,” and they all had red hair and rosy complexions. We also know that the Bible proclaims that the life of the flesh is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). Adam was formed out of the dust of the ground (also from the Hebrew H119 meaning redness), received the breath of life, and became a living soul (Genesis 2:7). The blood is arguably the centerpiece of creation: it gives us life and is the source of redemption (Hebrews 9:12). If Adam was, in fact, rosy, his complexion would display this centerpiece of the creation – the blood.

(2) Adam’s complexion was tuned for the early atmosphere. The early atmosphere was different from what we have now. The fossil evidence shows us that there were giant dragonflies, mammoth millipedes, and huge cockroaches, just to name a few. These insects could not survive in our present atmosphere and would have required 30 to 50 percent more oxygen than we have presently.(Ref 1) This early atmosphere would affect vitamin D production in humans. It is known that rosy complexioned people are very efficient at producing vitamin D from sunlight. It follows that the complexion of those who occupied the Earth before the flood was various shades of “rosy” in order to optimize vitamin D production. Then, the darker shades of skin pigment were activated after the flood to accommodate the new ecosystem. Had the darker skin pigments been activated before the flood, there could have been problems with inadequate production of vitamin D which typically result in rickets, bone deformities, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, asthma, cancer, and/or physiological problems. These ailments would not be consistent with the Creators proclamation that the entire creation was “very good” (Genesis 1:31) in the beginning.

(Technical note: Increased oxygen, by itself, would not significantly reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation on the surface of the Earth, but ozone which does filter ultraviolet radiation is a product of oxygen. The assumption being that a higher percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere would result in a more protective ozone layer.)

In the beginning, God gave the command, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.” We can be confident that He also gave man the genetics to provide the optimum skin and hair color to fulfill this charge. Then, after the flood, when Noah disembarked from the Ark, God again gave the decree to “fill the earth.” Again, with this decree, we can be assured that the Creator activated the proper DNA, optimizing skin pigment variation. If one looks at the present distribution of skin pigmentation on the globe, it is obvious the darker skin colors inhabit the equatorial regions and the lighter skin colors occupy the more northern and southern latitudes.

(3) Neanderthal had a ruddy/rosy complexion.

We at Genesis and Genetics have concluded that Neanderthal is, in fact, antediluvian man (i.e. pre-flood man) (Ref 2). If we are correct, Neanderthal is the key to understanding Adam and our roots. Two Neanderthals have been sequenced for the Mc1R gene (this gene is known to determine rate and type of pigment production thereby determining hair color and skin color). The two Neanderthals had the Val92Met (Ref 3) and Arg307Gly (Ref 4) variations of this gene, both of which are known to produce red hair and rosy complexions. It is important to point out that one Neanderthal fossil was found in Italy and the other found in Spain, leading us to suppose they were not closely related. It is not known whether these variations in Neanderthals are dominant or recessive; it is also not known if the Neanderthals had one or two copies of these variations. Therefore, we must wait to know how much variation in hair color and complexion the Neanderthals had. Today, approximately one percent of the world population has red hair. So, if Neanderthals had the same mix, the probability of testing one Neanderthal and finding it had red hair would be 1 in 100. The probability of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would be 1 in 10,000. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that a greater percentage of Neanderthals had red hair and rosy complexions than modern humans and they inherited them from Adam.

Neanderthals have been of keen interest among anthropologists for many years. There are many Neanderthal fossils and DNA sequences which have inspired scientists to make replicas based on the best evidence. These replicas of Neanderthal generally have red hair and rosy complexions.


Adam’s hair color and skin complexion have been a great mystery, but we are getting closer to the answer. Based on the Biblical meaning of the name “Adam”, the knowledge of the early atmosphere characteristics, and the consideration that Neanderthal is Adam’s close offspring, we at Genesis and Genetics are persuaded that Adam had red hair and a rosy complexion.


(3) Qiliang Ding, Ya Hu, Shuhua Xu, Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui Li, Ruyue Zhang, Shi Yan, Jiucun Wang, Li Jin; Neanderthal Origin of the Haplotypes Carrying the Functional Variant Val92Met in theMC1R in Modern Humans. Mol Biol Evol 2014; 31 (8): 1994-2003. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msu180

(4) A Melanocortin 1 Receptor Allele Suggests Varying, Science 318, 1453 (2007);Carles Lalueza-Fox, et al., Pigmentation Among Neanderthals DOI: 10.1126/science.1147417


Suggested additional reading:

Where does Neanderthal fit in the Bible?

Neanderthal and his Biblical Identity? – Genesis and Genetics

Keywords: Adam complexion, Adam’s skin color, Adam hair color, Neanderthal hair color, Neanderthal complexion, antediluvian complexion, antediluvian hair color, Adam skin color