Monthly Archives: March 2014

Eve’s DNA

xxl_84904001-CreditThe account of Eve is an interesting and important segment of our genetic history. The Bible says that God put Adam into a deep sleep, took one of Adam’s ribs, and made a woman (Genesis 2:21-22). Adam named her Eve and proclaimed that she was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).

So, how does modern science line up with this account? First of all, does the man’s rib contain enough genetic information to make a woman. The answer is “yes,” Adam’s ribs contained many copies of the genetic information required to make a woman. However, it is interesting to note that if the first human were a woman, her rib would not contain enough information to make a man. This is because women do not have the y-chromosome. So, if the Bible stated that the woman was created first and man was formed from her rib, the Bible would be in error; but, the Bible got it right and stands true. This all seems elementary to us now, but remember that the scriptures were given to us long before any discoveries of the workings of genetics and DNA.

It follows, from both a Biblical and genetic perspective, that Eve was Adam’s feminine identical twin. When Adam said that Eve was “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24), he was confirming this point. Is this possible? Can there be male/female identical twins? Yes, it is possible: if a geneticist takes two identical twin embryos and genetically engineers them so one has two X chromosomes and the other has one X and one Y chromosomes, the resulting two humans will be identical male/female twins. Although rare, there are natural occurrences of male/female identical twins. For further information on this, just do an internet search on “male/female identical twins.”

A common question to this notion of Adam and Eve being identical male/female twins is: “If Adam and Eve were identical twins, wouldn’t all their children also be identical to Adam and/or Eve?” The answer to this question is “No.” Adam and Eve were identical twins and they each had two copies of every gene: one dominant and one recessive gene. Due to a biological process called “meiosis,” these genes were shuffled differently for each of their children, so the chances of a child having identical DNA to Adam and/or Eve is one out of a number too big to print on this page. This process of meiosis is easily understood, just search on “meiosis” and you will find many videos and detailed explanations.

In addition, it is the consensus of both creation and secular scientists that all humans presently on earth come from one woman: “Eve” (creationists) and “Mitochondrial Eve” (secular scientists).

Genesis 3:20  And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

In conclusion, Eve’s genetic heritage is a fascinating bit of our history that helps us understand our origins. It also demonstrates the convergence of modern science with Biblical truth.

Here are some related articles if interested.

Adam’s DNA

Adam’s Rib

Genesis Chapter 1 and 2


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Keywords: Genesis and genetics, Eve’s DNA, Adam and Eve, marriage of identical twins, identical mmale-femaletwins


The Gospel According to DNA

DNA is the code that defines our flesh and blood. It is complex to the extreme, and it contains the information that builds and maintains our bodies; our bodies are filled with little factories that assemble proteins; proofreaders that check instructions; little transporters that deliver building material to the factories and other users; there are gates with gatekeepers; mechanisms that police the body looking for invaders; and more than 90,000 other mechanisms that build, regulate, and orchestrate body functions. All those who study DNA are amazed by it. So, from where did this marvelous DNA come and how did it develop into its present state?

Let’s go back in time approximately 6000 years ago, just before the creation. All things were in Christ, including our DNA. At this point, all things (atoms, molecules, stars, animals, and humans) were just an idea, not yet formed or activated. Then, the idea of the creation was released in the form of Word, and on day 6 of the creation, the idea of man was spoken into existence (Genesis 1:26); at the end of day 6, God proclaimed the entire creation to be “very good” (Genesis 1:31), this included our DNA in its “very good” state. Then, after God rested on day seven (Genesis 2:2), Adam was formed (Genesis 2:7) and he received the breath of life from God, and Adam became a living soul, i.e. functioning flesh and blood. Fittingly, the name “Adam” means “mankind,” so, all of us alive today were in Adam. All of our genes were in him in the form of DNA. It was God’s intention that Adam live forever; therefore, his DNA and ours was intended to be eternal.

However, once Adam was given life, humanity’s DNA became vulnerable, it was no longer safe in Christ, but subject to free will and the darkness (Genesis 1:4); God took a risk. Then, unfortunately, sin did enter the world through Adam (Romans 5:12). We, today, suffer from sin: our sins, our family’s sin, our nation’s sin, and Adam’s sin. Part of this suffering is the result of mutations in our DNA; these mutations, which were planted by Satan (Matthew 13:25), cause disease, deformities, death, and other deteriorations of our flesh and blood.

Our present DNA is corrupted and its destiny is death; but, the good news is that the original copy still exists, safely in Christ; and, all we have to do to be restored to our original day 6 DNA is to also be “in Christ” where we are safe and will live forever, even if we die. Here are some supporting scriptures to this notion:

1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

1 Corinthians 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

1 Corinthians 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. (KJV)

John 11:25
. . . I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: (Words of Jesus in red KJV)

This is just one reason, the genetic reason, why Jesus is called the Redeemer: He retains every element of the creation in Him, including our DNA, and He has the power and authority to restore all things to their perfect condition at any time.

John 1:3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:4 In him was life; . . .

In conclusion, our DNA as it exists now, was “in Christ” before the creation, spoken into existence on day 6. Then, after God’s rest, it was activated in the form of Adam; at this point, human DNA was “very good.” Unfortunately, Adam sinned and his DNA became polluted, destined to death; and, since we all came from Adam, our DNA is also polluted. However, the good copy still exists in Christ where it is safe, and we have access to it when we are also “in Christ.” This is the Gospel from a DNA perspective.


Here are some other links with some additional background information:

Adam’s DNA

Genesis Chapter 1 and 2

Jesus’ DNA

The Genetics of Sin Nature


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Keywords: Gospel genetics, eternal life DNA, Gospel according to DNA, In Christ, genetic mutations