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Intelligence: It’s everywhere; it’s everywhere

Modern science proclaims that the universe came from nothing. Then time, physical laws, cosmological constants, quantum waves, atoms, and life appeared accidentally without intelligence or purpose.

On the other hand, the Bible proclaims that everything came from divine intelligence and that God spoke all things into existence. If indeed, all things were spoken into existence, it follows that all things have the inherent intelligence of God. So, let’s consider some components of the universe, looking for inherent intelligence:


Birds know how to build nests, avoid danger, how to fly, and how to sing. This intelligence is built-in. It is not learned because we know that birds have this intelligence even when their eggs are incubated.


Trees are interesting, they have no brains, no legs, no arms, but they survive and flourish nicely. They know how to get sap to their top leaves in the spring and when to have the sap go underground in the winter. The trees know how to self-assemble from a seed to a majestic tree automatically. They know where to put out leaves, where to grow bark, how to reproduce after their kind, and how to turn inorganic material into organic material. The intelligence is built-in.


Twice automatic self-assembled butterfly

Butterflies never cease to amaze the scientific community. They self-assemble twice, once from egg to worm, then they dissolve their protein and self-assemble again to form a winged butterfly. The Monarch Butterfly migrates from Mexico to Canada and returns to a small area of Mexico. The journey takes 3 to 4 generations of butterflies, yet they know how to get back to that small area in Mexico. Their intelligence amazes us all.


Bacteria have no brains; they are generally single-celled creatures. However, they have built-in intelligence. They know how to cut and paste DNA, how to recognize enemies, how to kill enemies, how to change their DNA to suit their needs, and how to store information. No brains, yet great intelligence.


Viruses have no brains, yet they are not only intelligent but crafty as well. They have no reproductive systems, yet they know how to get others to reproduce for them. Viruses enter host cells by trickery and then inject their RNA so that the host cell will use its reproductive machinery to build virus parts. These virus parts automatically self-assemble into clones of the original viruses. Wow, that is intelligence.

Quantum Particles and Atoms

Quantum particles have a dual personality; they can be either a wave or a particle. They have no brains yet play hide and seek with researchers. The quantum waves/particles never lose. It has also been shown that since atoms are made from quantum particles, atoms also have dual personalities. Quantum waves/particles also share information because they have properties of “entanglement.” This entanglement is not limited to just two particles, it also can affect groups of particles. The present writer has concluded that the entire universe is entangled. The collective entanglement makes everything work.


How can rocks have intelligence? That is simple; rocks are made from atoms which are made from quantum particles. You may have heard the expression “written in stone.” Now we know that rocks and stones can store data, not just by carving words in them but they can also store much data like a quantum computer. Jesus understood rocks and said that rocks had the ability to call out and praise Him, their creator.


Humans have brains in two places: (1) in the head and (2) in the torso. So, humans obviously have intelligence. However, humans also have intelligence that is not obvious. During a research project at the Texas Heart Institute, researchers emptied a defective human heart of everything but the exterior structure. Then they filled the structure with stem cells. To their amazement, the stem cells became the missing structures and appeared to reconstruct the human heart. When the heart was filled with fluid, it began to beat!

The human stem cells appeared to know what to become depending on their position in the heart. Also, the human rib, when removed, will automatically rebuild itself. The heart and the rib know how to rebuild themselves. This should not surprise us since we know that a single cell called the human fertilized egg, has the intrinsic intelligence to automatically construct a fully viable human in 9 months. A mature human has more than 40 trillion cells, each automatically assembled working in unison with the other 40 trillion cells to produce a human body.


Intelligence is everywhere. It is built into everything. Scientists are constantly amazed at nature, but can’t consider inherent divine intelligence for reasons of money, grants, acceptance, and peer pressure. That’s a shame. The more science progresses, the more that we see intelligence everywhere in everything.

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The First Law of Cosmology and the Bible

One mystery solved

Until the 1920s, cosmologists wondered if the universe was collapsing, expanding, or static. Then came the answer, it was expanding. The mystery was solved. It became clear that the universe had a beginning and a single point of origin. This finding resulted in a theory called the “big bang.” The “big bang” theory gained traction but added questions that could not be explained. The biggest mystery was: from where did all the energy and mass come?

More confusion than answers

Hubble telescope

Then, in 1998, cosmologists found that not only was the universe expanding, but it was doing so at an accelerated rate. This discovery forever changed cosmology. The terms dark energy and dark mass were coined in an attempt to explain accelerated expansion. Remarkably, cosmologists estimate that 95 percent of our universe is either dark energy or dark matter. Cosmologists don’t know what the “dark stuff” is, how it works, where it came from, or even if it exists. Modern cosmology is confused.

The first law of cosmology

Because of the confusion, there are no laws of cosmology that have gained consensus. Therefore, we propose the following law of cosmology, the first law of cosmology:

Our Universe is a temporal

happening in an eternal system

Cosmology is the scientific study of the origin and development of the universe. This proposed law encapsulates all scientific evidence and common sense concerning the universe’s origin and resulting development.

Chasing eternity

After having dealt with the big bang problems, many scientists are proposing origin models which consider infinite universes, bubbles in nothingness, previous big bangs, etc. All these mechanisms, when traced back and back and back, end with the concept of eternal. We know our universe exists, and if we continue to chase its origin back and back and back, we have no choice other than to accept an eternal system.

Benefits of the first law of cosmology

Our proposed law of cosmology allows scientists to put aside questions that are impossible to answer. For instance, (1) how to get something from nothing and (2) why is there anything at all. Attempting to answer these questions without eternal concepts may be fun but does not advance science. There are so many pertinent questions to examine that can benefit society such as (1) How much energy is in a quantum vacuum? (2) What is the mechanism for gravity, (3) How to connect cosmology with quantum mechanics, and (4) How to examine dark matter and energy?

Philosophical comment:

When the big bang hypothesis was being introduced, there were those saying it would give credibility to the Bible. And it is true it does give credibility to the Bible. And it is true that our proposed law gives additional trustworthiness to the Bible. But why would anyone not want to credit the Bible when credit is due? The Bible has a great record of accuracy in all the sciences. Since the Bible has such a good record of being the fundamental book of science, why not use it? Galileo did. Newton did. Faraday did. Max Planck did. Gauss did. Euler did. Linnæus did, and many, many others did. The Bible did not hamper their great scientists and mathematicians. It inspired them.

Biblical Cosmology

Ancient cosmos

The Bible has always stated that our earth and universe are temporal creations in an eternal system. This notion is now being reluctantly accepted by many scientists. However, those scientists that are atheistic ask the question: Who created the Creator? Good question. From where did God come? The world has a history of many gods, Sumerian gods, Greek gods, Roman gods, Hindu gods, etc. Humans created all these gods. The present writer comfortably states that all human-created gods are false gods, created by our imaginations and needs. They only exist in our minds. However, there is one God, the God of the Bible, who clearly states He had no beginning and no end, and that He is eternal. What a proclamation! To be a true God, one must be eternal, omniscient, and omnipotent. Otherwise, there necessarily is someone higher, older, or smarter.

The concept of eternal is very difficult to grasp. We, humans, see birds die, trees wither, our ancestors pass away, and fire burns living things into ashes. Babies are born, mighty oaks sprout from seed, and wildflowers bloom in the spring. We are immersed in beginnings and ends. It is difficult for us to comprehend things without a beginning or end.

Here is the logic to understand things eternal. Let’s start with our Creator God of the Bible; from where did He come? Did He come from an older god? If so, from where did the older god come? An older god? He had to come from somewhere. And the older, older god, from where did he come? If you follow this logic, you chase gods until you find eternity and a single God. Since the Bible is the only credible book that discusses eternal matters, why not consider it? There are no other possibilities; all the evidence points to an eternal system.


It is time for modern cosmologists to acknowledge that we live in a temporal universe in an eternal system. We propose this as the first law of cosmology; reflects all scientific evidence and common sense. It is also in tune with the Bible.

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The Voice of God is the Building Block of the Universe


Representation of an atom in wave form

Since the beginning of time, humans have sought to find the most basic building blocks of our natural existence. And now they have found them. They are called quantum waves. So, are we just a collection of waves? Yes, we are. But these waves are remarkable. They have a dual personality in that they can convert to particles when they choose. So, when do they choose? Apparently, it is when someone is looking at them. Two major themes of quantum physics are called “particle duality” and the “collapse of the waveform.” These two themes are precisely in tune with the Bible that the voice of God created everything. The figure above is a graphic representation of an atom in the form of a quantum wave.

Duality and Collapse of the Waveform

Interestingly, there is no debate in quantum physics concerning the existence of “particle duality” and “collapse of the waveform.” The debates center on How? And why? In addition, the biggest question is how does the waveform know when someone is looking? Anyone who can answer any of these questions will surely win a Nobel Prize.

A Bit of Mathematics

One can model a human voice mathematically by the expression e^kt where e is 2.718 (base of the natural logarithm), k is an imaginary number, and t is time. Amazingly, we now know that the function e^kt can describe everything in the universe since everything is a wave. Thousands of years ago the Bible proclaimed that God spoke the creation into existence.

Science Converging with the Bible

Finding quantum waves/particles has again shown the Bible as the basal book of science. The Bible says that God’s Word created all things. This proclamation is in tune with modern quantum science. Here are three scientific findings that are in tune with the Biblical narrative concerning how God created all things:

(1.) Einstein’s famous equation states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) times the speed of light (c) squared. His equation shows that energy can be converted to mass, or mass can be converted to energy. And this is what the Bible says: God converted his voice (energy) into mass (the creation).

(2.) Quantum physics tells us that quantum waves create everything we see. God’s voice produced waves that have the ability to become quantum particles. These waves continue to vibrate forever. A guitar string, when plucked, quits making a sound after a few seconds because of friction in the air, and the guitar frets. The quantum waves never die out because they are too small to be affected by friction. One might say they are eternal. Therefore, God’s Word and voice are the same.

(3.) The quantum waves collapse when looked at and become particles. These particles are called quarks, leptons, and bosons. There are 17 of them identified so far. They all have dual personalities and work in unison to produce us and our universe. All atoms are made from quarks, leptons, and bosons.

Waveform Collapse – Example

Here is an example of a waveform collapse. Consider a light wave. It is invisible. However, when it enters your eye and hits your retina, it collapses, and your eye detects the particle: the photon. If it didn’t collapse into a photon, life could not exist. First, we would all be blind, and second, photosynthesis could not occur.

Do it yourself – Collapse of the Waveform

Here is a way you can prove the waveform collapses into particles. Look at the stars or the moon with a friend. You can see their light. Then look at your friend’s eyes and notice that you cannot see anything entering their eyes, but it does enter the eye and transforms itself into a photon, a particle. This simple experiment shows that we cannot see light waves, but we can see photons.

Particles or Waves

The quantum wave/particles are understandably bizarre. Nonetheless, scientists have a unanimous consensus that quantum particles have two forms: waves and particles. Many experiments have proved this duality, but the double-slit experiment is the most famous. It has been repeated many times and always gives the same results. The basic idea is to take quantum particles and fire them at a screen. The result is a scattering of points. Then you fire them through a narrow slit and notice they form discreet points in the shape of the slit. Next, we fire the particles through two slits with a gap in-between. This time the result is a wave pattern. So, are the quantum particles waves or particles, or both? They are both. This chickadee in the above photo is a product of quantum waves that expressed themselves as particles.

Hide and Seek

The double-slit experiment began a long hide-and-seek game, scientists vs. supposedly brainless quantum waves/particles. When they found that a single particle could go through both slits at the same time, they wondered how something could be in two places at once. Consequently, they put detectors behind each of the slits. When they did so, they found that only particles came through only one slit. They were confused. So, someone suggested let’s unplug the detectors, and voila, they got the wave pattern. I suspect that every quantum physics department in the world has repeated this experiment. The results are always the same. They concluded that when you look at the waves, they become particles. As a result, an obvious question beckons an answer: How can the wave particles do what they do without intelligence. It takes intelligence to play hide-and-seek. Therefore, it appears that the quantum waves respond to consciousness. The double-slit experiment may be one of the biggest mysteries in science, but not so in the Biblical exegesis.

The Voice of God – Eternal

Generally, we consider someone’s voice as something temporary, but their word can be more permanent. For example, what someone says dies out, but it may be recorded on a disk, written on paper, or committed to memory. What is written or recorded becomes somewhat permanet. It is different from the Voice and Word of God. God’s voice and His word are the same. They are both eternal. They never die.

John 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 

John 1:2  The same was in the beginning with God. 

John 1:3  All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 


Matthew 24:35  Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. (These words are in red since they are the words of Jesus.)

So, we should all agree that the Bible and quantum physics are in tune with one another.

The Voice of God is Powerful -Quantum Vacuum

Consider a cubic inch of space anywhere in the universe. Extract any gas or mass from it, and this is what is called a quantum vacuum. It would appear that this cubic inch of vacuum has nothing in it. but that is a wrong assumption. This quantum vacuum has 17 wave fields in it.  These quantum wave fields have energy. Scientists knew that the vacuum contained energy, but they didn’t know how much. Cosmologists estimated its value. But, when the quantum physicists came along, they calculated that it had more energy than what was projected by the cosmologists; it was 10 to the 120 power more than that. So, the debate rages, and they differ by 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 plus another 60 zeros. The quantum physicists have an excellent record, so they may be correct. If interested in exploring this quantum vacuum energy, search on the “cosmological constant problem.”

Additional bits and pieces

Quantum waves/particles contain inherent intelligence, divine intelligence. These waves explain why Jesus, the Word, is omnipresent in our universe and why everything in our universe is filled with intelligence, i.e., omniscient. We know that viruses, bacteria, seeds, trees, animals, and humans are intelligent. Now we know why.

One of the quantum particle groups is called bosons. The bosons called gluons hold the positive charged protons together in the atom’s nucleus. Bosons also hold the electrons in place. The following scripture shows that the Word of God is manifest in the wave/particles called bosons.

Colossians 1:17  And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together.


The Bible is right, everything in the universe is a wave, the voice of God.

Scripture for ponderance:

John 1:14  And the Word was made flesh …


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Fertile Crescent, Nimrod, and Confusion of Language – Human Migration Part 2


At Genesis and Genetics, we take secular science findings and use them to defend the Bible. In the case of the fertile crescent archaeology, we have found much information concerning human migration, Nimrod, and the confusion of tongues. We found the following:
* The oldest vineyards in the world are in ancient Armenia, as documented in our former blog Noah’s wine country.

* As Noah’s offspring spread out, they settled in the fertile crescent. This was before the migration into the “Land of Shinar.” The reason for this is that the Land of ShinarEarly migration (Lower Mesopotamia) was underwater. Presently, much of Lower Mesopotamia is less than 60 feet above sea level. For instance, presently the elevation of Babylon is 7 feet, Ur is 59 feet, Uruk is 52 feet, and Eridu is 23 feet.

* A portion of the fertile crescent is to the East of the Land of Shinar in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains. According to the Bible, those who settled in the Land of Shinar “came from the East.” This means that only a portion of Noah’s offspring settled in the Land of Shinar. The Bible says that those who settled in the Land of Shinar wanted to “make a name for themselves.” If they were the only civilization on the earth, they wouldn’t have to make a name for themselves.

* Shortly after the arrival in the Land of Shinar (Sumer), a sophisticated society began, and an Empire arose from the city of Uruk (Biblical Erech). This empire spread out into the fertile crescent.  The secular archaeologists refer to it as the Uruk Expansion. The Emperor/ruler/king was a man called Enmerkar. He is a prime candidate, and our pick, for the Biblical Nimrod.

* Enmerkar enjoyed great success until the language was confused. There are many historical references to the confusion of language, and in the “legend of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta,” Enmerkar is blamed for the confusion of tongues.

* Enmerkar (Nimrod) lost his empire due to the confusion of tongues. He lost his ability to communicate with his outposts, trade partners, and clans in the empire.

* Enmerkar was credited for being the first to use written language. Written language arose quickly after the Uruk Empire collapsed. Possibly, Enmerkar attempted to restore his empire by introducing writing and using it and scribes to renew the empire. But it didn’t work. Shortly after the collapse of the Uruk empire, the dynastic period began. Each language group had a king. The confusion of tongues accomplished God’s purpose in that the people were divided.

* Enmerkar (Nimrod) was shamed and fell into obscurity.


Noah and his family disembarked in ancient Armenia. Modern archeology tells us that the most ancient vineyards are in ancient Armenia. This is also the point of origin of most domestic grapes. So, all humanity and domestic grapes migrated from ancient Armenia (Noah’s Wine Country), consistent with the Bible.

As Noah’s children multiplied, they sought new lands and adventure. Some migrated North and East to Asia, and some migrated South to the fertile crescent, including Egypt. At this time, the waters were still receding from the flood, and lower Mesopotamia (the Land of Shinar) was still underwater. As the waters receded, those in the fertile crescent East of the Land of Shinar moved into the rich alluvial plain, which became Sumer and Akkad. Here is some Biblical proof that only a portion of Noah’s offspring migrated to the Land of Shinar:

Genesis 11:4  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

They wanted to do two things, first, make a name for themselves, and two, they wanted to disobey the command of God to scatter, i.e., migrate. If they continued with their goals, God would lose the hope of having a people unto Himself; a one-world government would be risky in that there would be a loss of freedom of choice. God decided to stop the Enmerkar empire and did the following:

Genesis 11:6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 

Genesis 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.

Genesis 11:8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

The entire population of the world spoke one language and were of one mind. In the land of Sumer, there arose a mighty person who built the city of Uruk (Biblical Erech) and formed an empire. Because the people were of one mind, he had little trouble forming this empire without bloodshed. It was a sophisticated society with farming, the wheel, chariots, government, toilets, septic tanks, geometry, the “Roman” arch, irrigation, think tanks, and beer. The Empire planted outposts near trading partners, and everything was booming. Here are the scriptures about Nimrod:

Genesis 10:8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Genesis 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.

Genesis 10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

Genesis 10:11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,

Genesis 10:12 And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.

These scriptures vividly point to the making of an empire with Nimrod as the emperor. Everything fits with the Bible except the carbon 14 dates. However, the secular carbon dates assume there was no flood. If the dates are corrected for flood effects, it all comes together. Here is our date assessment using the Flood Effects on Radio-Carbon Dating corrected dates.

Event                                               Corrected dates                                    Secular dates

The flood                                          2348 BC (Bible)                                   Didn’t happen

Oldest vineyard                              2150 BC                                                  6100 BC

Death of Noah                                 1998 BC                                                  He didn’t exist

Uruk Expansion Start                    1996 BC                                                  3700 BC

Confusion of Tongues                   1908 BC                                                  3000 BC

Jemdat Nassr period                      1930 BC -1892 BC                              3150 BC – 2900 BC
(transition period
Between the Uruk empire
and the dynastic era)

First writing                                          1908 BC                                                  3000 BC

Beginning of                                         1892 BC                                                  2900 BC
Dynastic Period
(End of Uruk Empire)

The obvious question is, “where was Noah when all this happened?” Notice in the above dates that the Uruk expansion did not start until Noah died. This makes sense in that Noah must have been considered an important influence on society, and maybe the Uruk expansion, which included the building of the Tower of Babel, could not have happened if Noah were alive.


When merging the Biblical narrative with secular archaeology, it appears that Noah did, indeed, disembark from his famous Ark in the land of Ararat, i.e., Armenia. He planted a vineyard, which was the beginning of post-flood farming. His offspring migrated from the vineyard in all directions, but many settled in the Fertile Crescent. As the waters abated, those from the Eastern portion of the fertile crescent settled in the Biblical “Land of Shinar” (Mesopotamia). From the Land of Shinar, there arose a powerful man, Nimrod/Enmerkar, who built the city of Uruk (Erech) and from that city arose the Uruk/Erech empire. The empire spread to much of the ancient world, but the expansion was stopped by the confusion of languages. The emperor attempted to keep the empire intact by using an invention, writing; however, it didn’t work, and the empire collapsed, ushering in the dynastic period. The dynastic period stopped globalization, and the earth was divided by nations and languages as it has remained to this day.


1. The Bible

2. Noah’s Wine Country

3. Radio Carbon Date Calculator

4. The Uruk World System The Dynamics of Expansion of Early Mesopotamian Civilization, by Algaze Guillermo

Noah’s Wine Country, the origin of Human and Wine Migration

Some believe that the Biblical account of Noah is a myth; some say it is an allegory; and some, like the present writer, say it is a true historical account. So far, we have not found Noah’s colossal Ark; maybe it was recycled by our ancient ancestors, covered by an ice cap, or buried by the Mount Ararat volcano; nonetheless, the search for Noah’s Ark continues. Meanwhile, we, at Genesis and Genetics, are looking for evidence of Noah in other places, one of which is searching for Noah’s vineyard. So, let’s combine our knowledge of the Bible with modern science and search for Noah’s vineyard.

The Bible says that after leaving the Ark:

Genesis 9:20 Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard … (KJV)

Noah planted a vineyard; but, by now, surely all signs of Noah’s vineyard have disappeared. Right? It appears that is not the case; ancient grape seeds (pips) have been found near Mount Ararat. These grape pips have been carbon dated and genetically sequenced. As a result, their DNA has been traced to modern grapes. These results are illuminating, but before we get into the migration of grapes, let’s get a bit more background from the Bible concerning Noah and his Ark:

Genesis 8:4  And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat (KJV).

The Hebrew word “Ararat” is the word for “Armenia.” When Noah’s Ark settled in the mountains of Armenia, the Armenian borders had yet to be defined; however, the Bible is a timeless book and we can assume ancient Armenia included present-day Armenia. Also, going back in history to just after the time of Moses, we find that ancient Armenia included modern-day Armenia, Eastern Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Southern Georgia. Therefore, logically, Noah’s vineyard should be in one of these countries. The Bible states that the Ark settled in the mountains of Armenia; so, it could have landed on Mount Ararat or any of the Armenian mountains. Christian tradition gives Mount Ararat the honor of being the place of disembarkation from the Ark, and it is, for sure, a possibility.

We find that the modern countries representing ancient Armenia are, indeed, rich in wine history. Here are some facts:

  • Georgia is touted by many as being the birthplace of wine. It claims to have been making wine for 8000 years. In the days of the Soviet Union, Georgia was known as the Soviet Union’s wine cellar.
  • Azerbaijan also touts its ancient winemaking. Azerbaijan has much diversity in landscape, some of which are perfect for growing grapes.
  • Present-day Armenia has a long history of wine culture. Many modern-day Armenians consider wine as the national drink. In Armenia, there are legends that Noah planted his vineyard in the Ararat Valley (Figure 1).


      Figure 1 Mount Ararat with vineyards in the foreground


Armenia boasts of having the world’s oldest winemaking facility located in Areni Cave (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Excavations in Areni cave

In addition, Armenia is rich in ancient history. For example, Carahunge, Armenia is a Stonehenge-like site. Many of the stones have holes drilled in them, and they are called speaking stones in that they make noise as the wind flows through them. The Carahunge formation of stones predates the British Stonehenge by approximately 4000 years, dating it to approximately the same age as the most ancient Armenian vineyards.

Figure 3 Carahunge, the Armenian Stonehenge predating the British Stonehenge by nearly 4000 years.


DNA sequencing shows that most Domestic wines owe their origins to wild grapes in the Near East.

Since the discovery of DNA, many mysteries are being solved in various fields including horticulture. Worldwide, one of the most valuable horticultural crops is grapes; therefore, scientists give much attention to viticulture. DNA markers (SNPS) are used to connect domestic grapes to wild species and trace their migration from country to country. According to an article in PNAS (proceeding from the National Academy of Science), grape domestication began 6,000 to 8,000 years ago with the wild grape Vitis vinifera sp. Sylvestris. This grape is common in the Northern hemisphere, but they have traced domestic grapes to the DNA most closely aligned with those wild grapes from the Near East, specifically Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan (reference 1). Therefore, the origin of domestic grapes is coincident with Noah’s wine country in ancient Armenia. This, of course, does not prove the Biblical account of Noah, but it shows the scientific evidence is consistent with the Biblical narrative.

Carbon Dates

We at Genesis and Genetics consider carbon dating good science in principle; however, we have concluded that the calibration curves, based on the uniformitarian model are not correct, and carbon 14 values must be corrected for the Biblical flood effects (Reference 2, To access our carbon 14 date calculator click here). The oldest evidence of winemaking dates to 5900 B.C. Correcting 5900 B.C. for flood effects gives us 2141 B.C. Since the flood receded approximately 2348 B.C., the oldest grape pips found so far lived 200 years after disembarkation from the Ark. Therefore, the oldest vineyard found thus far is probably not Noah’s original vineyard, but they are vineyards planted by Noah’s near kin. If some ancient grapes are carbon dated closer to the flood date of 2348 B.C., it may very well be the vineyard planted by Noah.

Figure 4 shows some of the ancient Armenian vineyards found so far. They probably are those of Noah’s offspring and show the earliest stages of human migration. The present findings are good corroboration of the Biblical narrative and show that (1) Noah’s Ark settled in what is now known to be wine country, (2) there is evidence of ancient winemaking where Noah landed, and (3) that ancient Armenia is the origin of modern domestic grapes.

Figure 4 Some of the Ancient Armenia vineyards found so far (the red W’s denote ancient vineyards and the white A shows the location of Mount Ararat


The Biblical narrative and archaeological evidence meet in ancient Armenia. Now it is clear that Noah and his offspring planted vineyards in some of the best wine-producing country in the world. Also, Noah’s wine country has been shown to be the origin of modern domestic grapes. Our findings are not proof of Noah’s account but show clearly that the Bible is once again consistent with scientific evidence. So, next time you enjoy a glass of wine, grape juice of a handful of raisins, consider giving Noah a little credit for his husbandry skills and give him a bravo for saving humanity from annihilation.



Coming Soon

Soon we will release a blog concerning the migration out of Noah’s vineyard. We have found that only a portion of Noah’s family “came from the East” and settled in the Land of Shinar (Mesopotamia). We will also identify the historical Nimrod.


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Creation – Genesis and Genetics – Welcome


Why do the Bible and modern science appear to be in conflict with one another? If this bothers you,  please   Read more >>





Genesis Chapter 1 and 2 are logically and chronologically correct, but yet they are the number one reason many have rejected the Bible.  Read more >>





Cain did marry his sister. Was this immoral? How about birth defects?      Read more >>



Why is there no fossil evidence of humans before the flood? Actually there is – Neanderthal.  Read more >>






What was the date and population at Babel? The Bible tells us.  Read more>>






Eve was genetically Adam’s identical twin less the Y-chromosome.  How can that be?  Read more >>





Noah’s ark: How did the creator transport so many creatures to the new world without losing even one?  Read more >>





Take a ride in the genetic time machine.






The desire to sin is in your DNA. How did it get there? What to do about it?






Noah’s Ark – Hermetically sealed, safe, and peaceful.





The Creator is active in the creation. He has reset the genetics at least twice and at least one more reset is planned.   It is all controlled by His voice.





Jesus’ DNA. Your DNA is safe in Him.  Read more >>


Adam’s Rib. The human rib regenerates perfectly. Is this just luck?  Read more >>






Is our DNA really junk?







Did the kangaroo hop to Australia? 





Adam’s genome housed all human genetic variation. We are all from Adam; we are collectively Adam.




We have much more coming soon: human migration; epigenetics (how sin is carried from one generation to another), Neanderthal updates, problems with evolution, what happened to the dinosaurs, etc.

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